Sunday, June 15, 2008

Amy's Birthday Cake

I wanted to make this cake from scratch, but I didn't have time this week (with finals/ACTs). So, I ended up using the usual cake mix -- Betty Crocker French Vanilla ^_^. The cake is covered with fresh whipped cream and topped with strawberries.

I'm still working on using colored chocolate to decorate though -- the colored chocolate seems thicker than just regular milk chocolate so it made the surface of the decoration bumpy and rough. Its supposed to be a pikachu ^^, but it didn't turn out so well =/ hehe. Plus, when hardening it, my mom dropped it and the pikachu shattered. I had to puzzle the pieces back I also made a second cake, but i forgot to take a piccy. It had a flower chocolate decoration on it :).


Anonymous said...

Hi I saw someone cropped your cake design and posted it on her facebook album �� Anyway you have a nice cake and it looks yummy! �� Thanks for sharing! ��