Friday, August 6, 2010

Eye Candy Lens

Hi guys,

Long time no post. I just bought some circle contact lenses from and they're awesome! I always wondered how those asian girls in magazines got their eyes to look so big! hehe~ At first i was skeptical about whether or not buying contact lenses online was safe or not, but if you buy the GEO lens you can check if it is official or not on their website.

Buying online at is super easy, however since they do batch orders it may take some time. On the brightside, they have some in stock lenses that ship from Canada; so if you're lucky you can get it in about a week if you live in the states.

I bought the Angel Grey lens by GEO. Here are some photos:

Friday, July 4, 2008

Sugar-free Strawberry Mousse

Tuxedo Strawberries

For Simon and Beth's post-wedding party:

they weren't very uniform..oh wells ^^

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thanks, Julee!

Yayy, I got my nails done by Julee today. It turned out very lovely xP. hehe, and what better way to thank someone than by making them cake! But, it looks like it says, "Tharks Julee!" yea because I forgot to make an extra loop when writing the "n."

The pan was a smaller round, so I used the extra batter to make 3 mini cakes, using my ramekins :) They don't look that nice though..oh well xP

hehe, kylie is so cute. although, she only ate the chocolate and cream.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Amy's Birthday Cake

I wanted to make this cake from scratch, but I didn't have time this week (with finals/ACTs). So, I ended up using the usual cake mix -- Betty Crocker French Vanilla ^_^. The cake is covered with fresh whipped cream and topped with strawberries.

I'm still working on using colored chocolate to decorate though -- the colored chocolate seems thicker than just regular milk chocolate so it made the surface of the decoration bumpy and rough. Its supposed to be a pikachu ^^, but it didn't turn out so well =/ hehe. Plus, when hardening it, my mom dropped it and the pikachu shattered. I had to puzzle the pieces back I also made a second cake, but i forgot to take a piccy. It had a flower chocolate decoration on it :).

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wenjing's Birthday Strawberry Mousse

YAY Vivienne Westwood, strawberry mousse..hahaa. Actually this isn't really mousse it's just a variation of Florence's cheesecake recipe in the post below, but the texture turned out really similar to mousse, so that's what I'm going with xP.

The top is decorated with butterscotch flavored chocolate and semi-sweet chocolate ^^

Friday, April 25, 2008

Thomas and Friends Mango Cheesecake

The recipe for this was really good and it tasted really good on the first day I made it, but the next day when I cut out a square and made this for kylie and pete, it didn't taste as good. I think maybe I put too much gelatin and so it hardened too much. The recipe can be found at the "Do What I Like" blog by Florence.